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Advantages Of Serial Communication Over Parallel Communication

Author: admin19/10

Lowvoltage differential signaling, or LVDS, also known as TIAEIA644, is a technical standard that specifies electrical characteristics of a differential, serial. The VcS 3020X unleaSheS the power of network centrIc aIr defence communIcatIonS. VcS 3020X gIVeS authorISed operatorS acceSS to all defence communIcatIon reSourceS. How is the connectioncommunication between northbridge and southbridge like It seems that data must pass from the CPU to the northbridge, and then again over a PCI. Data transmission refers to the movement of data in form of bits between two or more digital devices. Types of Data Transmission. Solution providers takeaway To avoid over usage, you need to know the right situations to use parallel processing. Get a grasp on when to use parallel SQL with the. Using Parallel Execution. This chapter covers tuning in a parallel execution environment and discusses Introduction to Parallel Execution Tuning. The Serial Peripheral Interface bus SPI is a synchronous serial communication interface specification used for short distance communication, primarily in embedded. Is Lithium ion the Ideal Battery For many years, nickel cadmium had been the only suitable battery for portable equipment from wireless communications to mobile computing. Nickel metal hydride and lithium ion emerged In the early 1. Today, lithium ion is the fastest growing and most promising battery chemistry. RJM Via the serial communication resources, one can also communicate via USB. However, this will surely work with one specific USB peripheral chip, namely from FTDI. Serial Communication Introduction. Hey folks Guess what Its now time for one of the most desired tutorials on maxEmbedded the Serial Communication seriesThe concept of serial communication is simple. The serial port sends and receives bytes of information one bit at a time. This is slower than parallel communication. The lithium ion battery. Pioneer work with the lithium battery began in 1. G. N. Lewis but it was not until the early 1. Attempts to develop rechargeable lithium batteries failed due to safety problems. Because of the inherent instability of lithium metal, especially during charging, research shifted to a non metallic lithium battery using lithium ions. Although slightly lower in energy density than lithium metal, lithium ion is safe, provided certain precautions are met when charging and discharging. In 1. 99. 1, the Sony Corporation commercialized the first lithium ion battery. Other manufacturers followed suit. The energy density of lithium ion is typically twice that of the standard nickel cadmium. There is potential for higher energy densities. The load characteristics are reasonably good and behave similarly to nickel cadmium in terms of discharge. The high cell voltage of 3. Most of todays mobile phones run on a single cell. A nickel based pack would require three 1. Lithium ion is a low maintenance battery, an advantage that most other chemistries cannot claim. There is no memory and no scheduled cycling is required to prolong the batterys life. In addition, the self discharge is less than half compared to nickel cadmium, making lithium ion well suited for modern fuel gauge applications. Despite its overall advantages, lithium ion has its drawbacks. It is fragile and requires a protection circuit to maintain safe operation. Built into each pack, the protection circuit limits the peak voltage of each cell during charge and prevents the cell voltage from dropping too low on discharge. In addition, the cell temperature is monitored to prevent temperature extremes. The maximum charge and discharge current on most packs are is limited to between 1. C and 2. C. With these precautions in place, the possibility of metallic lithium plating occurring due to overcharge is virtually eliminated. Aging is a concern with most lithium ion batteries and many manufacturers remain silent about this issue. Some capacity deterioration is noticeable after one year, whether the battery is in use or not. The battery frequently fails after two or three years. It should be noted that other chemistries also have age related degenerative effects. This is especially true for nickel metal hydride if exposed to high ambient temperatures. At the same time, lithium ion packs are known to have served for five years in some applications. Manufacturers are constantly improving lithium ion. New and enhanced chemical combinations are introduced every six months or so. With such rapid progress, it is difficult to assess how well the revised battery will age. Storage in a cool place slows the aging process of lithium ion and other chemistries. Manufacturers recommend storage temperatures of 1. C 5. 9F. In addition, the battery should be partially charged during storage. The manufacturer recommends a 4. The most economical lithium ion battery in terms of cost to energy ratio is the cylindrical 1. This cell is used for mobile computing and other applications that do not demand ultra thin geometry. If a slim pack is required, the prismatic lithium ion cell is the best choice. These cells come at a higher cost in terms of stored energy. Advantages. High energy density potential for yet higher capacities. Does not need prolonged priming when new. One regular charge is all thats needed. Relatively low self discharge self discharge is less than half that of nickel based batteries. Low Maintenance no periodic discharge is needed there is no memory. Specialty cells can provide very high current to applications such as power tools. Limitations. Requires protection circuit to maintain voltage and current within safe limits. Subject to aging, even if not in use storage in a cool place at 4. Transportation restrictions shipment of larger quantities may be subject to regulatory control. Ultra Iso Full Version For Windows 7. This restriction does not apply to personal carry on batteries. Expensive to manufacture about 4. Not fully mature metals and chemicals are changing on a continuing basis. The lithium polymer battery. The lithium polymer differentiates itself from conventional battery systems in the type of electrolyte used. The original design, dating back to the 1. This electrolyte resembles a plastic like film that does not conduct electricity but allows ions exchange electrically charged atoms or groups of atoms. The polymer electrolyte replaces the traditional porous separator, which is soaked with electrolyte. The dry polymer design offers simplifications with respect to fabrication, ruggedness, safety and thin profile geometry. With a cell thickness measuring as little as one millimeter 0. Arthur Birthday V1. Unfortunately, the dry lithium polymer suffers from poor conductivity. The internal resistance is too high and cannot deliver the current bursts needed to power modern communication devices and spin up the hard drives of mobile computing equipment. Heating the cell to 6. C 1. 40F and higher increases the conductivity, a requirement that is unsuitable for portable applications. To compromise, some gelled electrolyte has been added. The commercial cells use a separator electrolyte membrane prepared from the same traditional porous polyethylene or polypropylene separator filled with a polymer, which gels upon filling with the liquid electrolyte. Thus the commercial lithium ion polymer cells are very similar in chemistry and materials to their liquid electrolyte counter parts. Lithium ion polymer has not caught on as quickly as some analysts had expected. Its superiority to other systems and low manufacturing costs has not been realized. No improvements in capacity gains are achieved in fact, the capacity is slightly less than that of the standard lithium ion battery. Lithium ion polymer finds its market niche in wafer thin geometries, such as batteries for credit cards and other such applications. Advantages. Very low profile batteries resembling the profile of a credit card are feasible. Flexible form factor manufacturers are not bound by standard cell formats. With high volume, any reasonable size can be produced economically. Lightweight gelled electrolytes enable simplified packaging by eliminating the metal shell. Improved safety more resistant to overcharge less chance for electrolyte leakage. Limitations. Lower energy density and decreased cycle count compared to lithium ion. Expensive to manufacture. No standard sizes. Most cells are produced for high volume consumer markets. Higher cost to energy ratio than lithium ion. Restrictions on lithium content for air travel. Air travelers ask the question, How much lithium in a battery am I allowed to bring on board We differentiate between two battery types Lithium metal and lithium ion. Most lithium metal batteries are non rechargeable and are used in film cameras. Lithium ion packs are rechargeable and power laptops, cellular phones and camcorders. Both battery types, including spare packs, are allowed as carry on but cannot exceed the following lithium content. Lithium ion batteries exceeding 8 grams but no more than 2. Serial Portserial port See Also  editchan configure fconfigurethe standard command for configuring serial port channelschannelnearly everything but the socket information is related to serial portsclosefor closing a serial port channelfileeventfor readablewritable callbacksopenthe standard command to open serial ports. Parallel portserial ports on Windows. Serial Port Central. Jan Axelsons site about serial links and networks, including RS 2. RS 4. 85, COM ports, and USB virtual COM ports, and his book, Serial Port CompleteRS4. RS4. 85 Testing Main information about RS4. What is RS4. 85 main features of RS2. How to monitor and analyze. RS4. 85 port activity with RS4. Tester app. Documentation  editserial port ,Wikipedia. RS 2. 32 ,Wikipedia Examples  editapache tcl cgi script with serial port access. Bwise, a serial port tcl script and a Xilinx demo board. A simple serial terminal. How to build a simple serial terminal in a textwidget. How to read the serial port, and display in hexadezimal. List computations in a FPGA, driven by Tcl. More Serial Port Samples. How to read the serial port, and display in hexadezimal. Serial Port Logic Analyzer Screen Capture. Ser. Port. Chat. Serial port over IPmoni a serial line monitor. Serial Player a Windows utility for recording and playing back data from the serial communications port of the computer. Serial Port Monitor is a professional and powerful system utility for monitoring, logging and analyzing RS2. COM port activity. Portmon for Windows a proprietary but freely available program that displays all serial and parallel port activity on a system. Serial line sniffer open source license. Serial over IPTCP allows to share and access serial port over IP Network. Virtual COM Port Driver create virtual COM ports paired by virtual Null Modem to be applied in serial port programming. Serial Port Communication Software emulate ports for interfacing with serial devices and apps an ideal solution in case you are developing a software for Windows OS. Serial Port Splitter is a versatile tool that allows to split one port among several applications in such way that they can all get the same data at the same time. Tcl DPprovides serial line features Description  edit. On Linux, opening a special device with the proper majorminor numbers always succeeds independent of there being any hardware attached or not. The first error usually happens when doing chan configure mode. On Net. BSD, when a terminal file is opened, it normally causes the process to wait until a connection is established. For most hardware, the presence of a connection is indicated by the assertion of the hardware CARRIER DETECT DCD line. This is a problem since most hardware andor cables in common use ignores this line. Using the NONBLOCK flag with open is not enough to get things right, because the DCD is also used to detect the eof condition, causing the channel to assert eof after the first read or gets. Theres patch at feature request 6. DCD line or not. Without this patch, the non portable way to use a serial port lacking the DCD line is set device devtty. RDWR NONBLOCK. exec stty f device clocal. Serial lines have many characteristics known to Tcl. Typical options include ttycontrol, ttystatus, timeout, and more. Basic Example  edit. D. J. Hagberg mailto email protected Here is a simple example. The sendexp stuff is pretty generic and should work for any channel that supports non blocking IO. AT to modem and. OK response in a fixed amount of time. At the. bottom is a simple loop to do this 2. Works well on Tcl 8. Unix SolarisNT, poorly on. Tcl 8. 1. 1 on NT, but pretty well on. NOTE may need to set com. Port appropriately for your. Must have a modem configured to respond. OK to AT commands. Linux set com. Port devmodem. Sun. OS set com. Port devcuaa. Windows NT set com. Port COM2. default error Must configure com. Port. set n. Tries 2. A cheap version of expect. Set up a event driven IO reader on the channel, output the. IO. with buffering turned off. Read handler before outputting the string. Reader. fileevent fh readable list privatesendexpreader. Reader 1. output the string to send. Id after expr seconds1. Id. If we got an eof, then throw an error. Channel EOF while waiting for data. PRIVATE channel read event handler for sendexpect. Should. not be called by user. Return the current contents of the sendexpect buffer. Reset the sendexpect buffer, returning its contents. Close out a sendexpect session, closing IO event handler. Port RDWR. fconfigure fh blocking 0 buffering none. Loop n. Tries times, sending AT to modem and expecting OK. Tries incr i. ATr OK wait. Secs. incr n. Matches. GOT MATCH lt buf. NO MATCH IN wait. Secs SECONDS. sendexpresetbuf fh. Matched n. Matchesn. Tries. expr 1. Matchesn. TriesRJM Via the serial communication resources, one can also communicate via USB. However, this will surely work with one specific USB peripheral chip, namely from FTDI. Resource http www. FTDrivers. htm. They provide a royalty free USB driver. With Tcl apps the virtual com port driver can be used. Advantages over RS 2. USB protocol handles transmission errors, so protocol free communication is possiblehigh speed. I myself created a project with Tcl and USB http www. Jogusto 2. 01. 4 0. Forgive me for saying so, but IMO RJM does not have correct information regarding Advantages over RS 2. The FTDI chip does not do anything for you except create a COM port that your system can use to send serial data via RS 2. So, I think RJM is confused between what USB is, and what the FTDI chip does. USB will not help you communicate over serial if your serial is connecting to a noisy modem channel. Furthermore, the FTDI chip implements the same set of common serial port baud rates available on other hardware implementations eg 1. UARTS. The USB speeds have nothing to do with this. The FTDI chip works very well to add a hardware serial port to a system, if you want to use a USB hardware interface to do it, as opposed to plugging in a PCIe card or something similar. Otherwise, there is really no difference between one kind of serial port, or the other, provided you have the correct driver to present a COMtty device to your OS. That is one thing to be aware of. Many times, especially on older Windows systems XP and previous the USB support wasnt all that great, and in such cases, it is especially important to install the best driver for your system. Some devices simply do not support XP very well, because XP is so old, the USB compatibility with the new device drivers just isnt there. I have upgraded systems running XP to Win 7, and have solved numerous USB compatibility issues, including those with running Serial port bridges over USB. I have also had the experience of having interactions between USB devices with downrev drivers causing problems, where upgrading the driver for, say, a webcam, immediately cleared up issues with the serial port. So, for best results, ensure all your USB devices have up to date drivers for the best results. Those of you still on Windows XP can expect to have problems in certain situationsconfigurations, which you will not be able to solve without upgrading your OS. MS 2. 00. 5 0. 1 0.