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Pdoxusrs.Net Windows 7

Author: admin18/10

Novinky ProCop Nov funkce, vlastnost,modul, cesta, protokol, kompatibilita. Odstranna nepouvan funkce, modul, vlastnost, kompatibilita. Configuring BDE for Windows 7. Applies to Borland Delphi, BDE, Paradox Databases, Windows 7. Windows 7 can be very restrictive towards applications written for the previous versions of Windows. This is the case with the Borland Database Engine BDE, which is not capable of running in Windows. A permission for the BDE must be given in the windows registry database. A BDE attribute named Net Dir must be configured to an arbitrary folder other than the root drive C. This configuration is done in the BDE Administrator program thats installed with the BDEInfo. Iso File. Setup utility. 1. First, configure the permission for the BDE in the registryMake sure you are logged into your Windows. Then follow these directions Go to Start Run Type regeditOpen the HKEYLOCALMACHINE branch. Open the SOFTWARE branch. Right Click on the entry labeled Borland. In the menu that shows select Permissions. The following dialog will appear Click Users. Under Permissions for Users, select Allow for Full Control. Then click OK. Click OK to exit the Registry Key Permissions dialog box. Exit the Registry Editor window. Next the Borland Database Engine must be configuredThe Borland Database Engine makes use of a special file called Pdoxusrs. The default setting for the placement of this file is in the root of drive C, which will fail under Windows Windows. However, it is permitted to designate any subfolder for the Pdoxusrs. The name of this new folder is of minor importance and could be named anything you like. For example, here we will choose BDEShare. The name doesnt matter. It just needs to be any folder other than the root drive. So lets stick with this example. Create a subfolder off the root drive C and name it BDEShare. Noteworthy 2017. So the file path for this new subfolder will be C BDEShare. Remember this string value because you will need to enter it below. Now the BDE must be configured to use the new folder. This is done in the Windows control panel, where you will find an applet named BDE administrator. Note that you will only see this after the BDE has been installed to your system which should have been done automatically during the installation of your application. You can also find this utility under C Program Files. Borland. Common Files. BDEBDEADMIN. EXEDouble click the BDE Administrator to open it. You will see the following dialog appear As shown in the above picture, click the tabsheet titled Configuration. Expand the configuration as shown Drivers Native to expose the entry titled PARADOX. Single click the item named PARADOX. Now observe the data that fills on the right half of the dialog. You will need to edit the entry for NET DIR. Initially, it will be shown as C. You need to change that entry to the subfolder that you created above. In our example, this is C BDEShare. If the BDE Administrator is not capable of making the change then verify that the permission in the registry has been set properly. If this isnt the case then retry to apply the permission as described in the above. Now start your application. With the BDE now happy with Windows.

Pdoxusrs.Net Windows 7Copyright © 2017.