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Program To Find Out Your Wep Key

Author: admin12/10

The terms included in this jargon buster and in the tooltips on this site are explained in the context of online safety and information security. A type of advance fee fraud, where you are asked to help transfer money out of another country. It originated in West Africa, and 4. Nigerian legal code that covers the crime. The standard for wireless networks. Back to the top. AAccess control. Tutorial for crack a wep key with aircrack, aireplay and airodump. Very useless. Thanks for explaining the stuff above. My Vista laptop can now find my Airport Extreme but even though its coming through with a strong signal will only make a. Read the revised Choosing A School Guide with valuable information to help you make the best decision on where to use your GI BIll benefits. Learn more. App Share the meal with a child in need with just a tap on your smartphone. Controlling who has access to what information. Active. X controls. They can enhance your browsing experience by allowing animation or help with tasks such as installing security updates at Microsoft Update. If you do not trust the website and publisher, click Dont run when prompted. Edit Smartdraw Files on this page. Administrator. A user with sufficient access rights to allow them to manage the access rights of other users and carry out other high level computer management tasks. Advance fee fraud. Any fraud that tricks victims into paying money up front on the false hope of receiving something significant later. Adware. A form of spyware that displays unwanted advertisements on a computer. Oregon Department of Transportation home page. Your browser is outofdate It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Description. Aircrackng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security. It focuses on different areas of WiFi security Monitoring Packet capture and. From driving simulation research we know that using cannabis has been shown to impair key drivingrelated skills including reaction time, tracking ability, and target. How to Find Your WiFi Password when You Forgot It. This wikiHow teaches you how to find a forgotten WiFi password on your Windows or Mac computer. You can. The UKs leading awareness resource helping protect people, finances, devices and businesses from fraud, abuse and other issues encountered online. AIMAOLs instant messaging system. Android. An operating system used by a number of smartphone and tablet manufacturers. The worlds most prolific operating system for smartphones. Antispyware software. Software specifically designed for the detection and prevention of spyware. Often bundled in an internet security package. Antivirus software. Software specifically designed for the detection and prevention of known viruses. Often bundled in an internet security package. ATMAutomated Teller Machine a cash machine, often referred to as a hole the wall. Attachment. Files, such as programs or documents, that are attached to an email. Authentication. The process for verifying that someone or something is who or what it claims to be. In private and public computer networks including the internet, authentication is generally done with passwords. Back to the top. BBack door. A loophole in a computers security systems that allows a hacker to gain access. Often deliberately built in by developers for illicit purposes. Backup. Copying data to ensure its availability in the case of computer failure or loss. Bandwidth. The speed at which a network can transmit data typically used to describe speed of internet connections. Biometric. Using body measurements, such as fingerprints and irises, as a means of authentication. BIOS password. The BIOS software is built into the PC, and is the first software run by a PC when powered up. This software can be password protected, which stops the PC from starting up. Bit. The basic binary unit of data, representing 0 or 1. Bluetooth. A type of short range wireless connection between devices like mobile phones, headsets and computers. Boot. To start up or reset a computer, mobile phone or tablet. Boot password. A password that is needed before a computer starts up or any operating system can be loaded. Botnet. A collection of otherwise unrelated PCs which have been infected by a virus and which are under the central control of criminals or hackers. Abbreviation for Robot Network. Browser. A program that lets users read and navigate pages on the Internet, such as Microsofts Internet Explorer, Mozillas Firefox, Googles Chrome or Apples Safari. Buffer. A region of memory in which data is temporarily held before it is transferred between two locations or devices. Buffer overflow. When more information is added to a buffer than it was designed to hold. An attacker may exploit this vulnerability to take over a system. Bug. An error or flaw in a computer program. Byte. A unit or measure of computer memory, usually consisting of eight binary digits bits processed together usually enough to store a single letter or digit. Back to the top. CCertificate. An encrypted file containing user or server identification information, which is used to verify a website owners identity and to help establish a security enhanced link. Chargeback. The process of reversing a transaction and return of payment to a customer typically when goods have not been received or are faulty. Chat room. An online discussion group where you can chat by typing with other users in real time. Client. An application or system that accesses a service made available by a server generally refers to a personal computer on a network. Cloud. See cloud computing. Cloud computing. The delivery of storage and computing capacity to end users via the internet. Commonly used for backing up data and hosting applications. Cookie. A small file which asks permission to be placed on your computers hard drive. Cookies allow web applications to personalise your experience by gathering and remembering information about your preferences. Cracking. Finding a password, password or PIN by trying many combinations of characters. Critical update. A software update that fixes a security flaw. Back to the top. DData Protection Act DPAThe Data Protection Act 1. UK. Decryption. The process of converting encrypted data back into its original form. Denial of service attack. Deliberate overloading of a service by criminals to make it unavailable to legitimate users. For example, by arranging millions of simultaneous visits to a website normally from a Bot Net. Desktop firewall. Software designed to prevent unauthorised access to a computer over the internet. Digital signature. Data that is used to identify and authenticate the sender and integrity of the message data. Can be bundled with a message or transmitted separately. Discoverable. The status of a Bluetooth device that has been set up to broadcast its existence to other Bluetooth devices. Domain name. A website address, alternatively known as a URL. Domain Name Server DNSA server that converts recognisable domain names eg microsoft. IP address eg 2. Download. To obtain content from the internet, as an email attachment or from a remote computer, to your own hard drive. Dumpster diving. A method of social engineering in which criminals raid rubbish bins to gather personal information. Back to the top. EEaster egg. An unexpected feature built into a computer program by the author. Can be added for fun or malicious intent. Eavesdropping. Listening in to voice or data traffic without the knowledge or consent of the sender or recipient. Elevation of privilege. When a user particularly a malicious user gains more access rights than they normally have. Email attachment. Files, such as documents or photographs, that are attached to an email. Email filter. Software that scans incoming email for spam or viruses, or outgoing email for viruses and filters it accordingly. Encrypted. See encryption. Encryption. The process of converting data into cipher text a type of code to prevent it from being understood by an unauthorised party. Escrow. A trusted third party service that holds money, software or other assets pending completion of a transaction. Executable file used by programs to install and run on computers. Back to the top. FFile sharing. Making files available over the internet to other users, typically music or video files. Fingerprint recognition. A biometric form of authentication using fingerprints. Used increasingly on PCs as an alternative to passwords. Firewall. Hardware or software designed to prevent unauthorised access to a computer or network over the internet. Freeloading. Where unauthorised users gain access to your wireless network connection.