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How To Setup Sql_Latin1_General_Cp1_Ci_As

Author: admin01/11

SQL Server 2008 R2SQL Server ChinesePRCCI. Installing a Two node SQL Server 2. Cluster. In Part. II of this series, we showed you a step by step example of Integrated. SQL Server 2. 00. In this article, we will move onto the. AdvancedEnterprise installation. This option consists of two steps. The Prepare step. SQL Server binaries on. Nodes in the cluster are configured during this step. After you. prepare the nodes, you only need to run the Complete step on the active node. This step completes the failover cluster instance. This article series is. SQL Server 2. 00. The Complete step runs only on the active node. In our case, NODE1 owns the shared disk. Run the following command on NODE1. RTM Developer Edition. The steps. are shown in detail below. Prepare both nodes of. NODE1 and NODE2, to be operational. Our SQL. Server installation media is in a shared folder called sqlserver. Here is the command we run in the command prompt on each. Setup. exe. q ACTIONPrepare. Failover. Cluster FEATURESSQL INSTANCENAME. INSTANCEDIRC Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server. INSTALLSHAREDDIRC Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server. SQLSVCACCOUNTPower. DomainSql. Service. SQLSVCPASSWORDPssw. AGTSVCACCOUNTPower. DomainSql. Service. AGTSVCPASSWORDPssw. SQLDOMAINGROUPPower. How To Setup Sql_Latin1_General_Cp1_Ci_As' title='How To Setup Sql_Latin1_General_Cp1_Ci_As' />DomainSQLAdmins. AGTDOMAINGROUPPower. DomainSQLAdminsDownload this code. Click for larger image. Figure 1. Each. parameter in the command is explained in the table below. Important. Service Manager does not support casesensitive instance names. Setup will display a warning if you attempt to install Service Manager on a casesensitive. General Terms Conditions. All CSA setup services include a system quick start orientation. User Training Usually takes place one week after the system is. In this 3 part guide I will go through the installation of a Highly Available SQL Server 2016 with SP1 installation. There are 2 SQL Servers hosting the Databases and. Parameter. DescriptionACTIONPrepare. Failover. Cluster. Specifies that the local computer is to be prepared as a node in. SQL Server failover cluster. FEATURESSQLSpecifies. SQL Server Database Engine is to be installed. INSTANCENAMEMSSQLSERVERSpecifies. INSTANCEDIRC Program. FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerSpecifies. SQL Server binaries will be placed under the directory C Program. FilesMicrosoft SQL Server. INSTALLSHAREDDIRC Program. FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerSpecifies. C Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server. SQLSVCACCOUNTPower. DomainSql. ServiceSpecifies. SQL Server service account. SQLSVCPASSWORDPssw. Specifies. the password for the SQL Server service account. AGTSVCACCOUNTPower. DomainSql. ServiceSpecifies. SQL Server Agent service account. AGTSVCPASSWORDPssw. Specifies. the password for the SQL Server Agent service account. SQLDOMAINGROUPPower. DomainSQLAdminsSpecifies. SQL Server service account and will be used to control access to. SQL Server objects, and other cluster resources. AGTDOMAINGROUPPower. DomainSQLAdminsSpecifies. SQL Server Agent service account. After the. installation of each node, we need to check the installation log files under. SQL Server binary directory. Figure 2 shows the list of log files on NODE1. Figure 2. You can. Summarynode. 1xxxxxx. This file provides the result. Notice. that the binaries have been installed under C Program FilesMicrosoft SQL. Server. However, database files have not been created on the shared disks D. L. Figure 3. 2.   The Complete step runs only. In our case, NODE1 owns the shared disk. Run the following. NODE1. demopcsqlserver. ACTIONComplete. Failover. Cluster INSTANCENAMEMSSQLSERVER. FAILOVERCLUSTERNETWORKNAMESQL2. Cluster. FAILOVERCLUSTERGROUPSQL Server 2. Group. FAILOVERCLUSTERDISKSSQL Data SQL Log. FAILOVERCLUSTERIPADDRESSESIPv. Public 2. 55. 2. SQLCOLLATIONSQLLatin. GeneralCP1CSAS. SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTSPower. DomainSql. Service. INSTALLSQLDATADIRD SQLServer. SQLUSERDBLOGDIRL SQLServerMSSQL1. MSSQLSERVERMSSQLLog. SQLTEMPDBLOGDIRL SQLServerMSSQL1. MSSQLSERVERMSSQLLogDownload this code. ACTION parameter is Complete. Failover. Cluster. Figure 4. shows the output from the command. Figure 4. Each. parameter is explained in the table below. Parameter. DescriptionACTIONComplete. Failover. Cluster. Specifies that the previously defined SQL Server failover cluster. INSTANCENAMEMSSQLSERVERSpecifies. FAILOVERCLUSTERNETWORKNAMESQL2. ClusterSpecifies. SQL Server cluster. FAILOVERCLUSTERGROUPSQL. Server 2. 00. 8 GroupSpecifies. SQL Server resources. FAILOVERCLUSTERDISKSSQL. Data SQL LogSpecifies. SQL Server data. In our example, SQL Data. D, and SQL Log is the resource. L. FAILOVERCLUSTERIPADDRESSESIPv. Public 2. 55. 2. Specifies. IP. Public network. SQLCOLLATIONSQLLatin. GeneralCP1CIASSpecifies. SQL Server failover cluster instance. SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTSPower. DomainSql. ServiceSpecifies. INSTALLSQLDATADIRD SQLServerSpecifies. D SQLServer on the shared disk D. SQLUSERDBLOGDIRL SQLServerMSSQL1. MSSQLSERVERMSSQLLogSpecifies. L MSSQL1. 0. MSSQLSERVERMSSQLLog on the shared disk L. SQLTEMPDBLOGDIRL SQLServerMSSQL1. MSSQLSERVERMSSQLLogSpecifies. L MSSQL1. 0. MSSQLSERVERMSSQLLog on the shared disk L. After the. installation, we need to verify the result of the installation by checking the. C Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server1. Setup BootstrapLog. If the installation was successful, we can see database files on the shared. D and L. Figure 5. We can also. perform a failover test to ensure automatic failover in case of a hardware or. As shown in Figure 6, right click the SQL Server 2. Group in Cluster Administrator, andchoose Move Group. Figure 6. The SQL Server cluster group should fail over to NODE2, and the new SQL. Crack Hardware Fingerprint Changer. Server failover cluster instance should start running on NODE2. Figure 7 shows. the SQL Server cluster after the failover. Our cluster installation is. Figure 7. Conclusion. In this. series, we have illustrated how to install a SQL Server 2. Integrated and Advanced installation options. See All Articles by Columnist.