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Gryphon Limited Edition Mono Preamp

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HI FI OGLASI ADS SELL AND BUY SECOND HAND TRADEOvo je Audio Puls oglasnik najvei audiovideo oglasnik na podruju ex Yu. Ne odgovaramo za sadraj oglasa. Ne odgovoramo za eventualne sporove nastale prilikom trgovanja. Veliina slike koju aljete uz oglas ne vea od 1. MB, tekst oglasa do 5. Zadravamo pravo editiranja oglasa. Linkovi u oglasima se ne objavljuju. Oglasi se briu nakon 3. Prodali ste ureaj putem Audio Pulsa Uplatite nam donaciju i poduprite na rad i neovisnost. Na uplatnici kao primatelja upiite Udruga Audio puls, iro raun HR4. Erste banka, opis plaanja donacija. Detaily/gryphon_diablo_b3.jpg' alt='Gryphon Limited Edition Mono Preamp' title='Gryphon Limited Edition Mono Preamp' />Bez obzira na iznos donacije, svaku donaciju cijenimo. Hvala. Oglase moete pretraivati tako da na tastaturi istovremeno stisnete gumb CTRL i slovo F. Potom ukucajte traeni pojam npr. Gryphon Limited Edition Mono Preamp' title='Gryphon Limited Edition Mono Preamp' />CD player i klikajte Find next. Legendarne slualice AKG K2. Kontaktl 0. 97 6. POSTAVLJENO SRIJEDA, 0. Nakamichi 5. 30 receiver, raritet, 1. W, poludigitalni, 1. Kontaktl 0. 97 6. POSTAVLJENO SRIJEDA, 0. Kontaktl 0. 91 5. POSTAVLJENO UTORAK, 0. Grundig TS 1. 00. Cijena 3. 00. 0 kn. Looking for the best reference solid state, tube amplifiers or mono blocks for your highend system Email us or call us today that we have them starting. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Introduction. Please note that most of these Brand Names are registered Trade Marks, Company Names or otherwise controlled and their inclusion in this index is. In 2013, I briefly presented this iconic brand up there with the likes of YBA and JADIS. You can read it here www. Kontaktl 0. 982. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Rega DAC srebrne boje, u odlinom stanju, ambalaa i garancija do 1. Cijena. Kontaktl 0. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Prodajem originalni Pass Aleph 5 s Rondo Pro base policom. Cijena 1. 1. 5. 00,0. Kontaktl 0. 91 5. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Zvuniki kabel Van Den Hul CS 1. Straight Wire Encore II 2x. Kontakt 0. 91. 24. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Lenco L 7. 8 SE zadnji model idler gramofona sa Jelco ruicom i Grado. Prestige Gold zvunicom, koji uiva kultni status vidi Lenco. Heaven prodajem za 4. Kupcu poklanjam plexi spot mat i stotinu lp. Kontakt 0. 91. 53. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Prodajem Logitech Squeezebox network music player. Vrlo popularan network player sa internet radiom, odlinim DAC om i svim potrebnim ulazima i izlazima. Sam ureaj je u odlinom stanju, bez ikakvih vidljivih. Zamjene iskljuene. Kontakt 0. 959. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Na prodaju je Audiomatica Clio Lite u izvornome stanju, hardversko softverski paket za elektro akusticka mjerenja koji se. Karakteristike su vidljive iz broure proizvoda. Prikladno i pripadajuce racunalo jest ukljuceno u cijenu. Cijena. iznosi 1. HRK. Kontakt boris. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Prodajem vrhunski cijevni integrirac Luxman SQ 3. Ambalaa,papiri. Kontakt 0. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Prodajem hi end srebrni interkonekt Audioquest Niagara sa XLR konektorima u super stanju duine 1m sa 7. DBS. Interkonekt je kupljen u trgovini i posjedujem originalnu ambalau. Mogua je i osobna dostava do. Zagreba i okolice. Kontakt 0. 983. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Wireworld gold eclipse 5. Interkonekcijski kabel, srebrna ica duina 0,5 m. Cijena 2. 5. 00 kn. Kontakt 0. 98 9. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Prodajem Sound Carrier 3,5 W mono blokove, izlazna lampa RCA 2. A3, ulazna lampa. SL7 GT. Upotrebljavani za pogon Hedlundhorn. Lowther jedinicama. Uredno servisirani od strane proizvoaa, slobodno. Mladena Krkleca. Prodajem cijena 6. Kontakt 0. 98 9. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Vrhunske XLR i USB kabele od metra raene sa Mundorf icom. Kontakt 0. 91. 53. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Prodajem 4 godine stare zvucnike Harbeth 4. Prvi vlasnik, certifikat, odlicno. Lokacija Zagreb, cijena 5. Kontakt 0. 91 9. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Prodajem povoljno vrhunske zvunike Monitor audio PL 3. Ambalaa, papiri. Kontakt 0. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Prodajem Lowther DX3 iroko pojasne zvunike visoke efikasnosti za pogon dovoljna. W snage s phase equalizerom. Koriteni u Hedlund hornima. Original. ambalaa. Prodajem, cijena 5. Kontakt 0. 98 9. POSTAVLJENO PONEDJELJAK, 0. Prodajem Av receiver Marantz SR7. Stol Norstone star par mj od kaljenog stakla s visokim sjajem crne boje max tezina 1. Klipish 2kom po 3 m s VBT krinpanim pozlacenim konektorima, Nakamici banane pozlacne Hdmi Kabel Monster m. Hdmi kabel Van den Hul od 2 metra 2x. Supra zvucnicke zice, koristeno za zadnje zvucnike s VBT krinpanim konektorima i nakamici Bananama Zvucnici Jamo S5. Razlog Prodaje selim u inozemstvo pa ne mogu vuci sa sobom sve to. Kontakt 0. 953. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Prodajem kultne i vrlo rijetke zvunike pogotovo na ovim prostorima, Royd Minstrel SE. Originalnu ambalau nemam, ali biti e vrlo profesionalno zapakirani. Carti De Cultura Generala Pdf File. Zvunici su u vrlo dobrom stanju. Nedostaju iljci i znaka na jednom zvuniku. Cijena je fiksna 4. Kontakt 0. 981. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Audioplan stabil 5 izlazno pojaalo, 2x. Dva mono bloka u jednom. Kontakt opreloggmail. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Nimak Inox Uteg 1. Stub 3. 5 mm 1. Rega. Moth, NAD. Kontakt 0. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Sonus Faber Toy Monitor, Crni, koa High Gloss fini, potpuno novi u original pakiranju. Moe zamjena iskljuivo za Sonus Faber Toy Tower. Cijena 3. 60. 0 Kn. Kontakt 0. 98 4. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Revox Symbol B najbolje od Revoxa u odlinom stanju. Kontakt 0. 981. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Nimak Super Platter Subplatter za Rega gramafone. Vrhunski aluminijski subtanjur sa kvalitetnom Inox osovinom, keramikom kuglicom Zr. O2 i uljem. Odgovara za Nove 2. Planar 1,2,3 starije RP1, RP3, RP4. P2, P3, P3 2. 4, P5 modele. Cijena 5. 70 kn. Kontakt 3nimakgmail. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Nakamichi rx. 50. Radi, napravljen sevis. Kontakt opreloggmail. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Kontakt 0. 91 5. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Prodajem navedene komponente u odlinom stanju. Kimber 8. TC 4x. 25cm jumper kabeli, original Kimber vilice 5. Kimber 8. TC 1x. 10. Kontakt trektegmail. Split. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Prodajem Pro Ject Phono Box SE. Vrlo malo koristen. Bez zamjena. Kontakt 0. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 0. Ayon Falcon zvunici, detaljne fotke zainteresiranima, mogu se pogledatiposluati kod mene. Cijena 1. 10. 00. Kn. Kontakt 0. 91 3. POSTAVLJENO UTORAK, 3. Meridian set koji se sastoji od tri komponente 1. MM phono modulom, 1. Uz to se dobiju svi meuspojni kablovi. Takoer se dobiju dva prelaza s. RCA jedan za gramofon sa uzemljenjem a jedan za CD ili to ve. Plug Play. Cijena 5. Kn. Kontakt 0. 98 2. POSTAVLJENO UTORAK, 3. Prodajem pojaalo Onkyo A 9. Cijena 1. 10. 0kn. Kontakt 0. 92 2. POSTAVLJENO UTORAK, 3. Prodajem Sumi Black Hole 8 XLR, duljina 1 m. Bez zamjena. Cijena 2. Kontakt 0. 91. 52. POSTAVLJENO UTORAK, 3. Prosaju se povoljno zvunici Monitor audio PL 3. Pod raun do pola cijene mogu uzeti inegrirac ili dac ili jeftinije zvunike. Kontakt 0. 981. POSTAVLJENO UTORAK, 3. Odlian mali media playerserver, potpuno beuman nema ventilatora, ssd disk. Koriten kao izvor zvuka za Berkeley Alpha USBDAC Daphile linux i kao Kodi player Ubuntu i Windows 71. Cijena 1. 20. 0 kn. Specifikacije. Gigabyte Brix BXBT 2. Intel Celeron N2. GB Crucial SO DIMM DDR3. GB Kongston SSD. IEEE 8. Wi Fi Bluetooth 4. USB 2. 0 1 x USB 3. Kontakt spejskaubojgmail. POSTAVLJENO UTORAK, 3. Na prodaju su Gryphon PSC 1 zvuniki kabeli, duina 2 x 2 metra. Cijena je sniena na 5. Kontakt 0. 95 8. POSTAVLJENO PETAK, 2. Prodajem Originalne u mint stanju CD medij originale probrane vrhunske. Kontakt 0. 95 1. Zoki. POSTAVLJENO PETAK, 2. Prodaje se povoljno vrhunsko hi end pojaalo Onkyo A 9. W po kanalu, 1. 8 kg. Kontakt 0. 98. 35. POSTAVLJENO ETVRTAK, 2. Prodajem Davone Mojo zvunike, Olive One 2. TB te Audioquest CV 6 zvunike kablove. Sve je u izvrsnom stanju. Ova kombinacija se pokazala izvrsnom te postoji mogunost prodaje kao. Davone Mojo. Cijena kompleta 7. Daily Audiophile. Art Wraps It Up from CAF2. November 2. 01. 7, 7 5. After the Capital Audio fest vintage seminar and my visit to Vinyl Revivers, I looked at my phone and saw that time was running out I had just over three hours left to cover seven or eight more rooms. Time to get cracking Wed, 1. Herbs Final Report from CAF2. November 2. 01. 7, 5 5. Dan Wright is most famous for his Oppo disc player modifications that seem to cure the colorlessness and industrial ennui that contaminates the stock Oppo players. They look a bit weird sci fi with the two tubes sticking out the top like alien antennaebut his BDP 1. Dan also makes beautifully crafted amps and preamps. And lately, hes been making glamorous looking and sounding headphone amplifiers like the shiny red 7. B tube powered HA3. Can. Mania at CAF8 November 2. What I love most about the Can. Jam Can. Mania world of headphones is, when I enter these rooms full of tables stacked with gear and cans all laid out into individual listening stations each with its own folding chair, DAC, amp, and headphonesall with table cloths and tangled wiresI am reminded of those ham radio meets I used to attend. Those tribal rooms were always alive with a collective vibe of discoveryjust like here and now. CAF 2. 01. 7s Can. Mania was no exception, and, exactl. Sunday Morning at the 2. CAF7 November 2. 01. On Sunday morning, my Capital Audiofest 2. Hiltons Washington Auditorium, as my friend and colleague Herb Reichert above and I hosted a seminar titled The Virtues of Vintage. Tue, 1. Reviewer Profile Video Tyll Hertsens. November 2. 01. 7, 9 0. In this video, we visit Tyll Hertsens, Editor of Stereophiles sister site Inner. Fidelity. com, in Bozeman, Montana. Tyll is a connoisseur of headphones and portable audio products, and is somewhat of a You. Tube sensation within the headphone community. Truthfully Having spent most of my early audiophile years experimenting on headphone mods and lurking on headphone forums, Id been watching Tylls headphone review videos long before I ever knew about Stereophiles existence. Tue, 1. Moon ACE All in One Music Player. November 2. 01. 7, 7 2. System sprawl the curse of too many components and too much technology. It begins innocently enough with a sagging equipment rack. The sprawl then takes prisoner of precious floor or shelf or closet space until, in its advanced stages, it becomes an environmental threat to happiness, even sanity in many an audiophiles home. Weve all been there. But if you are of a mind, there is an alternative. Its the integrated solution, a clarion call to downsize, to de clutter, and to e. JL Audio Releases New Fathom 8 inch In wall Subwoofer System. November 2. 01. 7, 1. The following is a press release issued by JL Audio. Miramar, FL JL Audio November 7, 2. JL Audio, an innovator in high end audio solutions, announced the launch of a new 8 inch version of their Fathom IWS in wall subwoofer systems. The new 8 inch Fathom IWS system joins the previous 1. Fathom IWS lineup. Andy Oxenhorn, President of JL Audio says, We are excited about the potential of the 8 inch in wall subwoofer solution in our growing l. Magnepan 3. 0. 7 Loudspeaker, Part 2. November 2. 01. 7, 6 4. Scuse me while I wax sentimental, but Ive come to realize Magneplanar speakers have a special place in my music obsessed heart. Though theyre certainly not the only speakers I dig. First, Maggies happen to be my audiophile fathers current loudspeaker of choice. Yes, I was indoctrinated from an early agecall it early audiophilia by osmosis. Hes even visited my place a couple of times to listen to the amazing 3. Greatest Bargains in High End Audio. November 2. 01. 7, 4 0. Cables, Power Products, and Accessories Audio. Quest Conductive Fiber record brush, 1. Caig Deoxit Gold G1. L contact cleaner, 3. Shunyata Research Venom AC cord, 9. Wireworld Mini Eclipse 7 speaker cable, 5. Entry Level Muzo Cobblestone Wi Fi receiver, 5. Audio. Quest Dragon. Fly Black and Red DACs, 9. Elac Debut B5 and Elac Debut F5 loudspeakers, 2. Rega Planar 1 turntable, 4. NAD D 3. 02. 0 integrated amplifier, 4. Audio by Van Alstine Vision Q phonostage, 4. Astell Kern AK. Soundtracks Series Vol. November 2. 01. 7, 1. The Monkees Head. Colgems. The Monkees doff the last shred of their bubblegum image with this acid trip of a film and soundtrackboth genuine psychedelic gems that took decades to receive the recognition they deserve. Though the album only includes six proper songs, those six are some of the finest the Monkees ever recorded, including two written by Peter Tork psych rock jams Can You Dig It and Long Title Do I Have To Do This All Over Again, who rarely eve. Air. Pulse Model 1 Active Speaker By Phil Jones. October 2. 01. 7, 6 5. Who really is this Phil Jones guy and why do his accomplishments matter And why make a bargain priced Model 1 active monitor when you could be designing another 1. Phil is the man behind the legendary Acoustic Energy AE 1 speaker, a compact monitor that received so many awards I cant recall them all. Sure this was all happening decades ago, yet even back then Phil was ahead of his time. He decided to start a company calle. Gold Note DS 1. 00. Streamer DAC With USB, SPDIF Optical Inputs. October 2. 01. 7, 6 5. The magic happened when I moved the DS 1. But I also noted something that was quite unexpected whether I was listening to a 1. DSD file, it didnt matter if the DS 1. Ethernet connection from my home network router, or connected via the USB input using a run of Furutech USB cable, the sound quality I got from the DS 1. NAD C 3. 88 Digital Hybrid Streaming Integrated Amplifier With DAC, Streamer, MM Phonostage, Bluetooth And Blu. OS3. 0 October 2. NAD has a long history of building high performance affordable audio components. They have done an outstanding job of leveraging their experience in the creation of newer, more functionally rich components. Therefore, when the opportunity to review their latest creation, the C3. NADs C 3. 88 is the latest in their development efforts. It begins as a somewhat traditional well equipped Hybrid Digital DAC Amplifier that in. Sennheiser HDV 8. DAC Headphone Amplifier. October 2. 01. 7, 6 4. The first thing the HDV 8. Lots and lots of versatility. It has all of the standard digital inputs USB, optical and coaxial plus balanced and unbalanced analog inputs. And it has more than its fair share of outputs 6. Pentaconn connectors, and 3 pin balanced outs on the rear side allowing the HDV 8. Read More. See More High End Audio Reviews. September 2. 01. 7, 6 0. Enjoy. The. Music. Click here to see them all. REVIEW Thress DUAL FUNCTION PREAMPLIFIER 8. MONO preamplifierheadphone amplifier power amplifier GERMANY3. October 2. 01. 7, 1. THRESS. A Tribute to Professional Equipment from the Golden Age of Electronic Tubes. Audio Show 2. 01. Best Sound there was a small, unusually looking phonostage from the German company Thress. I met its owner, Mr. Reinhard Thress, in May of the same year at the High End 2. I mentioned the looks of this device, because. REVIEW Qualia physic Q1 mains filter PORTUGAL3. October 2. 01. 7, 1. Daniel Beizina, the editor in chief of the Czech portal Hi. Fi Voice. com, published in the previous High Fidelity edition No.