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Commodore 64 Programs

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Commodore 6. 4 and 1. Games, Educational. Programs, Graphics, Applications, Utilities, Music, GEOS shareware. Public Domain Disk 1. MS0. 01. C All on Autoboot menus. Side 1 Seq Reader, Seq Printer. The Editor screen character creation, Datamaker 1. Space Wars game, Grungy Towers Adv., Litter Patron game, Clubhouse. Turn Horse Race, Spelling Game, ABC 1. Biorhythm. Ira, 1. Sleeve, Forecaster, ChartGraph, Whitehouse demo, Animals. Show childs game, Star Wars music demo. Side 2 Seq Reader. Screen Clearer, Merger 1. Cross Ref. 12. 8, Exppander, Screen Function. Labyrinth game, Bingo 1. Othello, Lunar Lander game, Amoeba. Proverbial educational, Typing Practice, Reverse. Archirec recipe database, Calculator 1. Alarm, Jack O Latern. NCC 1. 70. 1, Musicmann 1. VBC creates stores. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Commodore 64 C64 database graphic text sound and tools software for free download at nogames. Commodore 64 Programs' title='Commodore 64 Programs' />Songs Programs that plays songs. Public Domain Disk 2. MS0. 05. C On autoboot menus. Seq Reader, Diskdoctor 1. V2, ID checker. Hex Dec Bin, Long Jump, Burger King, Galactic 1. Deflection. Castle Quest, Animal, Easy Math, Lexitron, Portfolio, Database. Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss. Commodore BASIC, also known as PET BASIC, is the dialect of the BASIC programming language used in Commodore Internationals 8bit home computer line, stretching from. Carti De Cultura Generala Pdf File. DSC08645-1024x768.jpg' alt='Commodore 64 Programs' title='Commodore 64 Programs' />Commodore 64 Machine of Destiny. The 64 began its design life in January of 1981 when MOS Technology engineers decided they needed a new chip project. Shop from the worlds largest selection and best deals for Vintage Commodore 64 Computers and Mainframes. Shop with confidence on eBay Thanks for visiting the Commodore 64 serial registry. This page is dedicated to keeping track of the C64s that are still alive and well and in the hands of. Car 1. 28, Do List, Isoplot 1. C1. 28 Drag Racing, CSynthisizer. Player Piano. Side 2 Seq Reader, Autoboot Manager. Formatter, Disk File 5. Lock Unlock, Timeout, Petals, Tic. Tac. Toe. Atlantis Advn, Airport 1. Tricky Tick, Story Teller, Speed. Read, Hex Puzzler, Calendar, Label Maker, Phone Directory, Hi. Res Text, Comm Logo, Music Files. Public Domain Disk 3. MS0. 10. C All on autoboot menus. Side 1 Seq. Reader, 1. Disk Cat. V1. 0, Ryan Doc V3. Layouts, Casino 1. Twin Bagels, Shuffle,Deepsix. Tie Fighter, Stock Market, Mul Master, Relfile. Tutor, Computers. Bartender, Vidbase GRI, Bent Space, Screen Maker III, Danger. Zone, EZ Tune, Away in Manger. Side 2 Seq. Reader, Directory. Dir Print, Disk Guard 1. Customizer 1. 28, Blackjack, Super. Wheel, Dominoes, Trains, Checkers 1. Number Invaders, Hangmath. Simbiz V3. 0, PBio, Journal, Report Generator, Dump, Stock Tracker. Window Worlds, Dragon, Brandenburg, Man of Steel. Public Domain Disk 4. MS0. 15. C All autoboot menus. Side 1 Seq Reader, Ascii Convert. ML Finder, Double Single, Disk Tidier, List All, Adventure. Level, Explore, Threedox, Arena, Saucers, Drill ouow, Drill. Drill erirur, States Quiz, Pamort, Mortgage, Keyboard. Play, Mandelbrot 1. Side 2 Seq Reader, Copy All 1. Filetype Edit, Tri Directory, Catacombs, Frountguard, Crazy. Eights, Compufake, Factor Race, States, Guess Word 1. Amortization. Donation Filer, Balance Sheet, Fractals, Happy Cat 1. Public Domain Disk 5. MS0. 20. C All on autoboot menus. Side. 1 Seq. Reader, Change Disk. Recover Side 2, Dos Shell Boot, Mergekey Setup, Unicopy, Earth. Fighter, Hamurabi, Barricade, Tank Battle, World Capitals, Geography. Number Display, Pcalen, World Time, TypePrint 1. Finance Calc. New Paint. Side 2 Seq. Reader, Address Catalog, Run 6. Autoboot, Boot 4. Disk Logger 1. 28, Night Adv., Roadrace, Tombs. Battleships, Aldehedron, Computer Quiz, Guess Age, Poems, Loan. Analysis, Gross Pay, Daycalc 1. Betters Edge, Pergeo, Sprite. Boot, Jukebox, Musicfiles. Programs 8 disks. E0. 00. 1C Good set of educational programs for all age levels. GeographyMiscellaneous. Math I V, Science I IV, English I, and EnglishBusiness. Ask. for detailed list. Songs 2 disks. MU0. C Sid Pic songs with many different types of music. Rock. and Roll such as Longer to Classical such as G Minor Fugue. Ask for detailed list. Programs 2 disks. MS0. 25. C User programs such as Invoicer or Checkbook, Games such. Chess and Artillary. Educational programs such as Time and. Acceleration. Text adventure games. Ask for detailed list. Basic Fundamentals Xmas. MU0. 05. C Slide show of great Christmas graphics with Christmas. Basic Demo Music VI. DM0. 01. C Side 1 Afternoon, Boinki, CPU in Control, Diamond Design. Machine Draw, Max President, Max Sings, Pulsing Pics II, Real. Genius, Russian 6. Silent Page, Speech Imp. Mission, Speeches. Summers Dream, The Car, Tube Graphics, Valentine, Weird. Side 2 Mona Lisa, Kaleidescope, Changing Spiral, Winston. Churchhill, Beverly Hills Cop, Flash Back Again Demo, Pendalums. In Space Room, Harrison Ford Demo, ManBlack White Photo. Camera Demo, Spooky Demo, Space Demo, Gem Thunder Demo, JR Dallas. Ripples, Stereo System. Best Demo Music V2. DM0. 05. C Side 1 Cyber Video Demo called Trouble on Trios excellent. Trios. It is quite involved long. Side 2. 1. 54. 1 Eat Disk Demo, 3. D Whirl Chain, Amiga 4, Coke, Commando. Frontier, Engine Demo showing operation, Howdy, Karate Kid. Demo, Last Ninja Songs, Max Demo, Neptune, Robot Demo, amp. Best of Best Dig Music V1. MU0. 06. C Actual digitized music on computerThe music is short. Side 1 Word Up, Take On Me, Holiday MixFSI, Boom Box, amp. Dit Music. Side 2 Dit Flesh, Dit Music II, Touch Me Berlin. Best of Best Dig Music V2. MU0. 07. C Actual digitized music on computer Music is short but. Side 1 Born In The USA, Kitara. Taivas. Material Girl. Side 2 Legs, Led Zeppelin, Radio. Best of Best Education V1. E0. 00. 5C Side 1 Big Letters, Conifer Guide, Crazy Rhymes, Fractions. Hunter Reading, Long Division, Micro Chips 1 3, Mileage. C3, Munch. Math, Spelling Bee, SunriseSunset, Weatherman. Side 2 Africa. Asia, Bead in a Jar, Big Math, Brain Cran I, Breakout. Crossword, Europe, First Math, French Topics. C3, Geography Quiz. Hang Math, Hockey Quiz. Pet Computer Tutor, Police Subraction. Programmer, and Reduce Fractions. Best of Best Education V2. E0. 01. 0C Side 1 Word Market, Mister Mugs 3, Beat the Clock, Two. Too. C3, Prime Numbers, Mister Mugs 1, Mister Mugs 2, Famous. People, Panther Puzzle, Add Sub. C3, Add Drill,C3, Addition. Race. c. 3, Ankova, C3. Side 2 Geog Test. C3, Letter Square. C3. Macbeth Quiz C3, MM Dark Wood. C3, MM Mugs 2wm, C3, Nouns. C3. Antonyms. C3, BBall Madlib. C3, Speed Reader, The Great Fred. C. Tic Tac Pet, Name Game, Spell. Challenge, Famous. People. C3. Best of Best Education V3. E0. 01. 5C Side 1 A or An, Chemical Drill, Connect Four, Factor. Race, Flash Cards, French Sentence, French Verbs, Geography. Grammar, Integer Math, Integer TTT, Kiddie Code, Latin Tutor. Life Expectancy, Metric Quiz, Music Lesson, Number Match, Percent. Drill, Presidents, Reading Comp, Snoopy, Tictacarith, Titractor. Triangle Solve, Word Mart, Word Order, World quiz. Side 2 Alphabet Animals, Alphabet Colors, Circus Time, Concentration. Election. C3, Hangman, Math Hang, President Quiz C3, R Riding. Hood, Review, USA Capitals, USA Presidents, Vocabulary. Best of Best Education V4. E0. 02. 0C Side. 1 Alg Vectors, Algebra. Vector. C, Binom Mut Tut. C. Choices. C, Central Conics. C, Factor Drill. C, Factor Race. C, Factor. Trinom. C, Factor Wholes. C, FactorDecomp. C, Factors. C, Foil Inst. C. Foill Practice. C, Like Terms Tut. C, Linear Systems. C, Marblestat. C. Matrix Sol. C. Side 2 Coll Like Term. C, Egn Manipulat. C. Factor Trinim, Factor Whole, Factors, Fun Machine. C, Hicalc. C. Mat 2. MLA. C, Mechanics. C, Planes. C, Powers Roots. C, Streight. Line. C, Trig Rations. C., Exponent Mult. C. Best of Best Games V1. GM0. 01. C Side 1 Africa Adventure, Armageddon, Attack Force, Beekeeper. Bird of Prey, Cabby, Chopper Run, Command Cmd, Ground Snipe. Hacker, Rox, Shoot Em, Spectrum, Stock Market, War Rescue, Zycos. Brain. Side 2 Dilemna, Donkey Kong, Fox Pinball, Roofus, Slot. Machine, Trapped, Wug, and Xeropus. Best of Best Games V2. GM0. 05. C Side 1 Adventure, Battleship 2, Blackjack, Boxing, Checkers.

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