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Annals Of San Francisco First Edition

Author: admin06/09

Actor James Avery, who played the beloved Uncle Phil on the hit 1990s sitcom The Fresh Prince of BelAir, has died, his publicist said Wednesday. He was 68. Gemcitabine, 5FU, fluorouracil, capecitabine, FOLFIRINOX, pancreaticoduodenectomy, Whipple procedure, adenocarcinoma, neoadjuvant, Abraxane, neuroendocrine, Tarceva. The first people to rush to the goldfields, beginning in the spring of 1848, were the residents of California themselvesprimarily agriculturally oriented Americans. The University of California, San Francisco UCSF, is a research university located in San Francisco, California and part of the University of California system. Annals Of San Francisco First Edition' title='Annals Of San Francisco First Edition' />An error occurred while setting your user cookie. Please set your. browser to accept cookies to continue. NEJM. org uses cookies to improve performance by remembering your. ID when you navigate from page to page. This cookie stores just a. 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So, Im kind of leading you, its a walk through my daydreams and nightmares, just kind of all the visuals that I see. So its kind of getting a little sneak peak into my world. Annals Of San Francisco First Edition' title='Annals Of San Francisco First Edition' />J Nice, do you think that reflects at all currently, where you are right now with just your work, or just kind of a different idea you had S Its an idea, its just some imagery that I wanted to create. Its also kind of maybe just to illustrate what everyone goes through. Its not just me personally. Its just kind of kind of a broad range of stuff that people deal with in life and in general. Trevor Matrin Im gonna interject. The last show, it was A Light in the DarknessS A Light in the DarknessT A Light in the Darkness, and the previous show to that was A Lion and the LambS Yeah. T How does this show relate to both of those S Well its all a balance. And so we have A Lion and the Lamb that was kind of the innocence and darkness and its saying with how to balance your light and dark. And this is just when you have your daydreams and nightmares and just kind of finding a balance and being able to live in in the middle of both of those kind of on the razors edge. It all kind of incorporates into itself I like to have a lot of balance in my work and in my life so balance comes into play with a lot of my work. J Sweet, how many new pieces are you hoping to have for the show S Hopefully 1. J Okay. S Thats what were shooting for. J And then are you gonna kind of emulate that whole kind of idea with all of the pieces S Its kind of a broad its not like every piece has exactly to do with the title or the concept. Its more just theres gonna be a lot of stuff like that but its kind of, its fun because it can be really broad and general because its anything you can think of. Daydream, imagine that just comes into your imagination into your thoughts. So, its just kind of a little bit of everything. Its just kind of a broad umbrella of of anything that can happen within a daydream or a nightmare. J What are you most excited about that you have done or are hoping to do for the show S Im pretty excited about all of themIm gonna do this floating whale ship. Its kind of a floating whale taxi that transports people through a dark place and gets them to their destination safely. So Im excited about that one. That ones coming out soon. T That ones really cool. You did a piece called Follow Me for the last show that was really, really popular. Were releasing a print of Follow Me now for this show, a year later and the whale piece is kind of the continuation of that piece, Follow Me. S Yeah, its a series. T Its kind of the evolution of it and the interesting thing that Sam talked about specifically in the Follow Me piece which is continuing from the floating whale piece whos title we have yet to make is that when people stick together and band together and help each other out, the ycan get through you know some of the challenges that were facing on and individual level, and you know thats kind of what the whole theme is banding together, getting through in the dark passage ways of life. You know, being empathetic and encourage one another and be a team, you know J Absolutely. T And Sam, do you want to enumerate what the different characters were in Follow Me just to give him some backstory S It was kind of a parade, like a band of misfits and just people in life and it all kind of represents also, like youre different parts of each persons personality and things that go on in them. So there was theres this woman. She had kind of like a generals jacket. Like she was her own boss her own general. There was J There was a two person centaur S Yeah, there was a centaur there was a Sagittarius couple, kind of one connected. Theres an emo, mad french clown. T Riding an emo water buffalo You were so funny when you said that to me,Sometimes you just feel like an angry French clown riding an Emo Water Buffalo., I laughed so hard, I love the humor in your work S Emo water buffalo with a Hitler comb over. Then we have yeah so theres all these different soldiers, then theres pretty much just a lot of so each character kind of represents how like everyone from San Francisco how broad and how much of a melting pot that is and then it also represents kind of how all your different personalities and moods and stuff go on inside your self. So its a little bit of everything but this is just a continuation with the floating whale taxi. T And there are some characters there that are also on the famous Haight Street mural S Yeah, exactly. So those all represent the eclectic melting pot of the city as well. J Sweet, so what would you say youre keeping it  a little bit  personal or just experimenting with the show S Were doing some cool installation stuff. I want to kind of have people visit this forest and this dark not really dark but this kind of represents inside your mind. So youre going to walk into that installation and be inside someones psyche or imagination. So Im excited about that and pretty much all the pieces together how they play off each other. Thats what Im excited about. J Do you want to tell me about this piece. S So this piece is called, Lady Soul and she represents the story of Icarus and the sun he flew too close to the sun and his wings melted. So this represents that as well as. J Hes flying too close to her. S Yeah, so he got too close to her and it can represent a lot of stuff like shes kind of a seductress. J A solar siren S Yeah, and so in the next painting its actually two guys and theyre brothers Icarus and Dicarus and they both fucked up and got too close like their temptations. Now theyre going to be falling and all of their feathers are on fire. Its kind of like my own illustration of a siren or a temptation. J Do you use foil S This is gold leaf, yeah. The background is gold leaf. I just wanted it to be glowing a lot, really bright different golds and oranges and yellows and stuff. J What other pieces have you done off the top of your head S Weve got a lot oh, theres one Im really into. Hes kind of a dream guide and so what he does is get people through their dreams and their nightmares safely. Hes a hired gun and hes this renegade dude and he has these horns that are actually a Native American Dream Catcher. And he has a dream catcher inside these horns so it helps him capture and protect himself as well as his client and getting them through their craziness safely. Hes almost kind of like a Beetlejuice character. You want to hire him but you also dont because hes trouble. But hes good at what he does and gets you through, but it comes with a price. He keeps the objects that he acquires in your dreams in his dream catcher net. J For all these shows. S I like people I just want them to become more aware of their inside imagination and ideas.